Course Curriculum

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    Day 1

    • CHAPTER 1: Introduction. The purpose for this. Review of topics. Discussion about how to make up for one important resource that the pre-recorded nature of this Course does not provide.

    • CHAPTER 2: Classmate introductions. (It's just you and me!) Details about my backstory. Can I really become a different person? What do I really think the nature of my disorder is?

    • CHAPTER 3: Inherent vs. non-inherent things. The ice-cream illustration. The biggest obstacle to true motivation. The Coach. Viewing our efforts as a lost cause. The true nature of your disorder. Pumping gas in Pennsylvania. The real goal of recovery.

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    Day 2

    • CHAPTER 4: Perspectives. Your true objective. More on the nature of emotional disorder. The lie about 'mental illness'. Piano Illustration. Harmonizing approach with objectives. Mechanic/Carpenter Illustration. What creates 'disorder' and struggle?

    • CHAPTER 5: The destructive lie about 'genetics'. 'Genetic' vs. Inherited. False conclusions from 'scientific' studies. More about perceptions of inherent nature.

    • CHAPTER 6: The only true cause of Emotional Disorders (such as BPD). Why 'trauma' is not as relevant as everybody thinks; its true value in your work. The Law of Genuine Attitude Reflection.

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    Day 3

    • CHAPTER 7: The foundation of emotional disorders. The true nature of feelings. Two all-powerful beliefs at the root of emotional disorder. The specifics of how your parents' attitudes convinced you to view feelings. Healthy parents' attitudes.

    • CHAPTER 8: The couch as hallowed ground. Other aspects of dealings with parents revealing improper attitudes toward feelings. My mentor. The true extent of how frequently and thoroughly we were being educated by unhealthy attitudes.

    • CHAPTER 9: Being honest with ourselves about our motives. For two years, my recovery was false and artificial. Genuine (internal) motivation vs. disingenuous (external) motivation. Specific examples. Law of Minimal Effort.

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    Day 4

    • CHAPTER 10: 'Tells' for fake motivation. The Law of Minimal Effort. The 'I'm-All-Better' Suit. What is 'hitting rock bottom'? Why people don't surrender to recovery sooner. The Astronaut On The Beach. Why true emotional health cannot be faked.

    • CHAPTER 11: Things that help us hit 'rock bottom' and things that prevent it. How those who truly care about us can help. Getting drilled by a fastball. The electric fence. What real love looks like and how it behaves.

    • CHAPTER 12: The cure to emotional disorders. What is becoming cured like? Why I won't create a 'step program' for you. You are an individual. The Basic Formula for the cure to emotional disorders. The Stages of authentic recovery.

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    Day 5

    • CHAPTER 13: Changing underlying perceptions once and for all. Why encouraging affirmations cannot help you. The Ice-Cream Illustration. Cognitive Bias. The Date-Request Illustration. Creating a healthy doppelgänger. The Learning-A-Language Comparison.

    • CHAPTER 14: Where insight comes from. Guilt vs. Shame vs. Regret. The Identify Guilt/Shame Game. Feelings are information. Cockroaches. Much of the 'guilt' in your life is not actually 'guilt'.

    • CHAPTER 15: Guilt vs Shame vs Regret. Great burdens you can unload right now. Identifying where responsibility properly lies and where it does not properly lie. The constructive purpose that Guilt always serves. Why Shame is never constructive.

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    Day 6

    • CHAPTER 16: Regret. Forgiveness Vs. Acceptance. Escaping the enormously-difficult hurdle of the denial in: "My parents did the 'best they could.'" The Carpenter Illustration. Your parents' true perspective of your value. Teeter-totters. Forgiveness.

    • CHAPTER 17: Unhealthy Forgiveness Vs. Healthy Forgiveness. The inherent relationship with Boundaries. Conditions Healthy Forgiveness must meet. Enabling behaviors. Emotionally-Healthy Forgiveness does not conflict with the Bible.

    • CHAPTER 18: Capacity Vs. Ability. My cat Compass. Breathing underwater. Five primary benefits of distinguishing between Capacity and Ability: Applied to ourselves, to those who have committed real offenses against us, to those who care about us.

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    Day 7

    • CHAPTER 19: Responsibility Vs. Guilting or Blaming. The legitimate purpose for identifying where responsibility belongs. Exercise: Determining Where Responsibility Inherently Lies in various scenarios.

    • CHAPTER 20: Messages hidden in other messages. Parents owe children, not the other way around. Obligations Vs. Optional things. Things your parents owed you. Clip: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967). Ignorance does not free one from responsibility.

    • CHAPTER 21: Why Confronting Your Parents Is A Bad Idea. Disillusionment is dangerous. Co-dependent, self-contained bubbles. Never again supporting emotional unhealth. More Acceptance. 'Liked' Vs. 'Likable', 'Loved' Vs. 'Lovable'.

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    Day 8

    • CHAPTER 22: The Law Of Individual Inherent Rights Responsibility & Authority. The Weather. Emotions are also energy. Too many concerned, illogically, about what others are doing, or not doing, or how they are doing it. Two people in a relationship.

    • CHAPTER 23: The circle in the sand around your feet. Our individual bubbles. Free Will. Nobody owes us anything. "Doctor, cure yourself." Trying to mutiny other's lives. What you, as a child needed from your parents, and need still.

    • CHAPTER 24: The Law Of Individual Inherent Rights Responsibility & Authority in practice. Living in harmony with the law even when it doesn't feel natural to do so. Movie Clip: A River Runs Through It (1992).

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    Day 9

    • CHAPTER 25: Calm Assertive Vs. Passive Aggressive Communication-Behavior Styles. Immature thinking behind the passive aggressive style. Immaturely perceiving that the responsibility for getting our needs met can belong to others. Cesar Millán and dogs.

    • CHAPTER 26: Removing all vagueness from your style of communication. Getting my eyes checked. Expressing ourselves honestly while meeting certain conditions. Boundaries: Their purpose. The Castle Illustration. Cats & Fleas.

    • CHAPTER 27: Healthy boundaries aren't for controlling others. The BCCCs of Emotional Health: Boundaries, Communication, Consequences, Conditions. Being patient, kind, understanding, forgiving with ourselves is reasonable. Modesty.

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    Day 10

    • CHAPTER 28: Thorough Review. Moving Forward On Your Own.

    • EXTRA CONTENT 1: Feelings of Emptiness. Worth, and our perceptions of what creates it, how is it born, where does it come from, and how inappropriate attitudes related to this create profound, insurmountable feelings of emptiness.

    • EXTRA CONTENT 2: Your Anxiety. The thing at the root of your anxiety and stress if you live with an emotional disorder either knowingly or unknowingly, and the work you must do in order to eliminate it.

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    Day 11

    • EXTRA CONTENT 3: Life's Two Merry-Go-Rounds. You have full power over the one you will ride. If you catch yourself on the wrong one, get off, stop doing that to yourself.

    • EXTRA CONTENT 4: You can't fail at practice. The ongoing benefits of having an unhealthy friend or two.

    • Extra Content 5: Why nobody's love can help you. What needs to be addressed in order for this to change. Why emotional disorder disallows a healthy relationship with God.